Student Chapter @ The Cooper Union

Upcoming Events

Fall Semester General Meeting
Date: Tuesday, Sep 17, 2024
Time: 12-1PM
Room: 101 in 41CS

Come join us for our Fall general meeting! Learn about the organization, our plans for this semester, and run for new open officer positions!


Ch Professor Meet and Greet
Date: Tuesday, Sep 24, 2024
Time: 12-2PM
Room: 104 in 41CS

Come meet your future professors in the Chemistry department!

ChE Professor Meet and Greet
Date: Tuesday, Oct 22, 2024
Time: 12-2PM
Room: 104 in 41CS

Come meet your future professors in the Chemical Engineering department!

About The Chapter

The American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) student chapter is the bridge between chemical engineering students at The Cooper Union and the larger AIChE organization. Being a member of the AIChE organization gives students their first professional credential, exciting networking and mentorship opportunities, essential educational and technical resources, and career services. 

The main goals of this club are to encourage students to register for AIChE memberships to take advantage of free online resources available, and to connect Cooper Union students with professionals in the field. By hosting networking events, speakers, and fun activities, the AIChE chapter brings chemical engineering students together and provides a look into the professional chemical engineering world.

Highlighted Events:

End of Year Party
Finance & Law Career Alumni Speakers
ChE Professor Research Presentation

The Board

Meet our board of officers!

Tausif Tamim

Allen Rakhamimov

Rachel Lee

Justin Tung

Event Coordiator

Michelle Liang
Graphic Designer

Robert Nicholas
Social Media Manager

Freshman Respresentative

Sophomore Respresentative

Junior Respresentative

Senior Respresentative

* Elections will be announced at the Fall General Meeting!